Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The odd expectation of (hopefully) inevitable things

We're going to the hospital in a few minutes.

(No, no, its fine. I'm eating breakfast while she's getting ready. We're all set.)

This whole thing of being induced into labor is not new to us, our son was the same way three years ago - my wife just has a very comfortable womb, apparently.
In fact, a 'normal' labor is what would seem strange to us... and that fact is strange to me.

While its true that I'll probably be able to provide you with a written count of how many times I need to sit down today because I get a mite bit queasy - written because it might be more than I can show you on my hands - this 'gift of modern medicine' thing is once again going to downright amaze me, I'm sure.

Its pretty great that our labor preparations no longer involve me looking around on the ground to find a nice smooth stick for her to bite down on... though I imagine that, as a husband, that is one task that I could very well excel at.

Seriously, take a consideration at how many ways science has blessed us - and when I say 'science' I mean God allowing us to figure out bits of His creation. Its great.

And I've got a camera on my beltloop to take pictures of it all!
(well, the stuff that its okay to take pictures of... this isn't THAT kind of blog)


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The White Pigeon Hope - Seeking to "Normalize" the work of the Holy Spirit since 2008.