Wonderful words from the Psalmist, beautiful imagery and poignant comparison to God's love and care for His people...
And all I can think of this morning is this:

For those of you who were not blessed, such as I, to have experienced a LOT of Nick-at-Night as you grew up (and don't misunderstand; it was usually my choice and my parents the ones who endured it) - we're talking about one of the more hilarious examples of absurdity that CBS ever produced. (that is, until the onset of the Survivor Series)
What a joyous show!
What a silly cast!
"What!?! You're considering comparing 'Green Acres' to Psalm 23 IN CHURCH?"
Well, sort of, yes.
More of a Compare/Contrast type of situation, really. And perhaps, if you'll indulge me I can get it all out of my system and nobody else will ever have to hear about it. - Then again, if this 'works' the world will soon hear of it.
My premise is this:
Of course you can understand how the name 'Green Acres' might remind someone of the green pastures of Psalm 23. That makes reasonable sense.
But there's a bit more...
The premise of the TV show was that a successful New York City lawyer, decides to give up the stress and strain of 'city life' in favor of some 'fresh air'. So he buys a farm. Accompanied by his socialite wife who has an already humor-inducing Hungarian accent, he finds himself in the most backwards of rural towns... and is (relatively) happy to have found "it".
As we hear of the green pastures, we find ourselves thinking, "Hey, that sounds nice." As well we should. The idea is that God leads His flock into places that are hospitable, pleasant, and something of a respite for us from the daily existence. And even more than that, we dwell there safely under His protective gaze so long as is appropriate to the season.
Its kinda as if God has fulfilled a lifelong dream, without our asking or putting forth effort, and has provided us with the life that we've needed all along.
He's given "it" to us... that thing that we so deperately need as humans.
Not to say that the oddities of life will subside - the strange neighbors literally became the backbone of the Green Acres plotline - and we'll certainly not be without such a thing as trouble.
But we can be sure that what we need will be provided.
And we've got a Good Shepherd to watch over the farm.
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